JAKARTA - A subsidiary of PT Indofarma Tbk, PT Indofarma Global Medika (IGM) is estimated to have suffered a loss of Rp1.26 billion due to being entangled in online loans or borrowing. The funds are used not for the benefit of the company.

Member of Commission VI DPR RI, Nyoman Parta from the PDIP faction revealed that based on the data he obtained, the funds submitted by PT IGM to this loan were used for fictitious projects.

Nyoman also regretted PT IGM's move. Because, he considered, there is a state-owned bank (Himbara) rather than borrowing through loans.

"According to the information I collected, the secondary data collected was used to make fictitious projects. This is extraordinary, borrowing the money to loans, even though many banks have the government," said Nyoman in a meeting of Commission VI of the DPR with the Pharmaceutical BUMN Holding, at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 19.

Previously reported, the President Director of Bio Farma, Shadiq Akasya, always led by the Pharmaceutical BUMN Holding, said that online loans worth IDR 1.26 billion were not carried out in the interests of the company, thus causing IGM to suffer losses.

"Pinjaman melalui fintech bukan untuk kepentingan perusahaan berindikasi merugikan IGM senilai Rp1,26 miliar," kata Shadiq.

Shadiq said the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) had examined 18 findings.

From these findings, there were 10 of them indicated by fraud.

Selain pinjol, Shadiq mengatakan fraud lainnya yang ditemukan yakni indikasi kerugian atas transaksi unit bisnis Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sebesar Rp157,33 miliar.

"Then, the indication of a loss in the emergency room for the loss of deposits is approximately Rp. 35.07 billion, an indication of IGM losses due to deposit losses of Rp. 38 billion," he said.

Then, continued Shadiq, there were indications of IGM losses for the provision of deposits and interest worth Rp. 38.06 billion to Bank Oke. Furthermore, said Shadiq, indications of IGM losses of Rp. 18 billion were found for the refund of the down payment from MMU which was not entered into the IGM account.

"Then, the expenditure of funds and the charge of costs without being based on transactions indicated IGM losses of IDR 24.35 billion," he explained.

Furthermore, he said, the cooperation between the Alkes TeleCTG Distribution and PT ZTI without Memadai's plan indicated a loss to IGM of IDR 4.50 billion for payments that exceeded the value of the invoice and could potentially harm IGM worth IDR 10.43 billion for TeleCTG's unsold stock.

"Then there are also mask business activities without adequate planning indicated fraud, indicated a loss of Rp. 2.67 billion for the decrease in mask inventory value and the potential loss of Rp. 60.24 billion for PT Promedik's bad debt and Rp. 13.11 billion for the remaining supply of masks," he said.

Then, the purchase and sale of the Panbio Rapid Test of PT IGM without adequate planning indicated fraud and the potential loss of Rp56.70 billion for PT Promedik's bad debt.

"Then, PT Indofarma carried out the purchase and sale of PCR Kit COVID-19 in 2020/2021 without adequate planning with indications of fraud and a potential loss of Rp. 5.98 billion for PT Promedik traffic jams and Rp. 9.17 billion for the unsold PCR Kit COVID-19 which expired," said Shadiq.

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