JAKARTA - PT Jasamarga Surabaya Mojokerto (JSM) said that there was an increase in the volume of vehicles at the Warugunung Toll Gate (GT) during the long holiday momentum for Eid al-Adha 2024.
President Director of PT Jasamarga Surabaya Mojokerto D. Hari Pratama said the number of vehicles leaving Surabaya heading to the West through the Warugunung GT as of Saturday, June 15, 2024, was recorded at 24,000 units.
"This increased by 33 percent from normal conditions as many as 18,000 vehicles," he said in a written statement, Monday, June 17.
Pratama said, in order to facilitate access to tourist destinations during this holiday period, his party is trying to optimize the Surabaya-Mojokerto Toll Road service.
The favorite tourist destinations for the community during the long holiday period in the Mojokerto Regency are like Pacet and Trawas.
To maintain the smooth running and convenience of road users' travel, said Pratama, his party has prepared various operational service efforts, including in the field of transaction services.
For example, preparing a mobile reader to increase capacity at toll gates, ensuring the function of toll equipment and operational completeness at each toll gate.
"For traffic services, by ensuring the function of CCTV and Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) to monitor traffic conditions and accelerate information through the Travoy application and place personnel at potential density locations along the Surabaya-Mojokerto Toll Road," he said.
In the maintenance service sector, Pratama said, his party had alerted the Patching Team to anticipate if there was a disturbance in violence, take preventive steps with normalization, clean drainage and construction of flood-retaining embankments and alert personnel and facilities to anticipate an emergency in the event of a puddle.
Other supporting services that are no less important are ensuring that the rest area can provide the best facilities, including the adequacy of clean water and the function of toilets in rest areas, ensuring the availability of fuel and preparing traffic flow management in rest areas.
"PT Jasamarga Surabaya Mojokerto seeks to realize the smooth running of road users during the long holiday period of Eid al-Adha by maintaining the safety and security of road users and continuing to be committed to always maintaining toll road conditions in accordance with Toll Road Minimum Service Standards (SPM)," he added.
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