JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Widodo) visited South Korean businessman Kim Kyunghee at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta. This meeting is to explore the development of oil refining businesses in Indonesia.

Kim is a Korean branch manager of the oil and gas company Atlantis Wide Gas and Petro Trading, based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

"So the intention here to meet the President (Jokowi) is to explore business development, because in Indonesia this is closely related to the need for oil distillation," Kim said through his spokesperson quoting Antara.

In the future, he hopes to help Indonesia advance the oil refining business to meet national energy needs, while still paying attention to environmental protection aspects. However, Kim has not been able to explain about the prospects for this business cooperation because the government needs to consider further.

The President said that he would follow up, but first discuss it with the relevant ministers and companies. So for locations or other things, it's still not, because this is still an assessment," he said.

President Jokowi's meeting with South Korean businessmen was bridged by Member of the Advisory Council of President Luthfi Ali Yahya, or familiarly called Habib Luthfi.

Actually, Mr. Kim came here after receiving an invitation from Habib Luthfi. So it was from Wantimpres who brought Mr. Kim here," said the spokesman Kim as well.

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