JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) Deputy Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) Raja Juli Antoni said the form of providing additional incentives with Social Impact Handling (PDSK) Plus for residents affected by the IKN project depends on the complexity of the problem.

The man who is often called Antoni explained that his party could not generalize the problems in every area of residents affected by the new capital city project.

"What is clear is that there are those who have been relocated, yes. The landed houses or flats will be built. For the gardens, whether they are replaced with growing or replaced with plantations. Each is in accordance with their rights," Antoni said when met by reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, June 10.

However, he also ensured that the development of IKN would remain people-oriented and profit compensation, not compensation.

This is as directed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to him.

"The development is for the people. Therefore, whatever happens in the field must be oriented towards the people," he said.

It is known, the land area of 2,806 hectares (ha) in IKN is still problematic.

Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) revealed that the IKN Authority has provided several schemes to solve the problem.

Starting from relocation, handling social impacts (PDSK) to compensation money.

"There are still 2,086 ha that are still declared not clean and clear. Yes, basically, there should be no people who are still occupying it. Then, it has not been handled properly according to the rules, it is like being hit. It can't be like that. The point is that OIKN will immediately resolve this because the replacement money for compensation for the community or there is a PDSK scheme, it's kind of spiritual money," AHY said in a media gathering at his office, Friday, June 7.

He emphasized that the compensation would later be carried out and managed by OIKN.

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