JAKARTA - Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto revealed that China is currently interested in investing in Indonesia by utilizing the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology.
Dwi said this interest was expressed when the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) visited China recently.
"We just visited China, they have practiced this EOR a lot," said Dwi, quoted on Friday, June 7.
Dwi said, China has EOR technology so that it expresses its interest in exploring the potential of EOR in Indonesia with a note that it must cooperate with Pertamina and other KKKS.
"They are interested in exploring the potential of EOR in Indonesia with a record of cooperation with Pertamina and other KKKS," continued Dwi.
He further said that in total, the location of EOR potential in Indonesia could provide an additional 950 million barrels.
"This means a lot, therefore if you look at the first graph of green color on water float and EOR, the area is quite wide because it is calculated from this potential number," explained Dwi.
Still related to the technology used by China, Dwi said, during his visit, this bamboo curtain country they had long implemented EOR technology. Later, with the use of chemical EOR, it is believed that it can increase higher production.
"From now on, we in Indonesia are at the highest of 30 percent," he said in a singkat.
Following up on his interest, said Dwi, China has made visits to Indonesia to offer its technology including EOR, heavy oil, and CBM.
"Later we will cooperate with KKKS," concluded Dwi.
For information, based on SKK Migas exposure, here are 12 projects that have the potential for implementing EOR:1. Pertamina Hulu Rokan at Minas-A Well (ASP) 2.3 mmstb, Minas-B,C,D,E (ASP) 0.3 mmstb, Minas-D Stage-1(P) with a potential of 505 mmstb2. Pertamina Hulu Rokan at Rantabais (Steam) 86.22 mmstb3. Pertamina Hulu Siak Energy at Batang (Steam) Stage-1 2.2 mmstb4. BSP at Pedada (SP) 27.51 mmstb5. Petrochina at Gemah (CO2) 7.65 mmstb6. Pertamina EP at Ramba (CO2) 53.9 mmstb7. Pertamina Hulu Energi OSES at Rama (SP) 43.3 mmstb8. Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ at E-Main (SP) 17.80 mmstb,itude (P) 29.10 mmstb9. Pertamina EP at Sukowati field (CO2) 65.3 mmstb10. Petrogas at Walio (SP) 2.3 mmstb11. Pertamina Hulu Mahakam at Handil (SP) 64.9 mmstb12. Pertamina EP on Tanjung (P/ASP) 53.1 mmstbb
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