JAKARTA - PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) continues to disseminate information to the public not to carry out various activities that have the potential to disrupt the operations of

General Manager of KCIC Corporate Secretary Eva Chairunisa said the kites involved in theEATing Upper Electricity Network (LAA) have the potential to damage components and electricity ofASH facilities.

Eva revealed that kite playing activities near the HIGH Train crossing had caused several operational disruptions, especially in terms of electricity.

"Throughout 2024, there have been five incidents involving travel disruptions due to broken yarn or kites that are involved in the power grid," Eva said in an official statement, Thursday, June 6.

Although it did not cause damage to facilities and infrastructure, he said, these incidents often hampered

"Thousands of people who useASH are affected by travel delays because officers have to make sure They can still pass safely," he said.

Eva said it was operated with an electric power of 27.5 KV through a pantograg connected to LAA.

The connection between the Pantograph and the LAA must not be disturbed by the presence of foreign objects because it can disrupt electricity, especially when it is traveling at high speeds.

The material contained in the kite and its thread is included in the material that can disrupt the electricity in LAA. So if there is a kite caught in the LAA, the risk of an electrical short circuit and pantograph damage can occur," he explained.

Therefore, Eva said, her party continues to socialize the community around the high-speed train line including to various schools.

For example, continued Eva, in areas such as Padalarang and Cimahi, there are still quite a lot of children playing kites around theUSH route.

Especially in the afternoon where the children have started to go home from school, there will be more kites around the route.

Pada sosialisasi tersebut KCIC juga mengajak agar masyarakat dapat membantu mengarahkan anak-anak mencari lokasi yang tidak terdekat dengan jalur bala cepat saat akan bermain pelayang-layang.

The safe boundary distance is located at 500 meters from the left and right of the rail line.

Disconnected kites are very easily stuck on the LAA network. So if played too close to the Rightline, it has the potential to cause disruption," he said.

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