JAKARTA - The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said the indicative ceiling of the Ministry of PUPR for the 2025 fiscal year (TA) was IDR 75.63 trillion.

This was conveyed by Basuki in a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission V of the DPR RI, Thursday, June 6.

"Based on the Joint Letter of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas dated April 5, 2024, the Ministry of PUPR's indicative morning in 2025 amounting to Rp75.63 trillion was followed up with a letter from the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing dated May 29, 2024 regarding the use of the Indicative ceiling of the Ministry of PUPR," he said.

It is known that the distribution of ceilings per organizational unit includes the allocation of the Water Resources (SDA) sector of IDR 26.53 trillion.

Then, for the Directorate General of Highways amounting to Rp32.31 trillion and the field of Cipta Karya Rp10.48 trillion.

Then, for the Housing sector amounting to Rp4.53 trillion and other Technical Management and Tasks Support of Rp1.77 trillion.

"The indicative ceiling is still far below the proposed budget requirement of Rp. 212.58 trillion according to the Minister of PUPR's Letter dated April 4, 2024 regarding the Proposal for Budget Needs of the Ministry of PUPR FY 2025," he said.

Meanwhile, the 2025 Government Work Plan (RKP) theme is Acceleration of Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth.

The development direction for next year is quality human resources (HR) and competitive and productive. Then, quality infrastructure, infrastructure for increased productivity.

"In the future, we want to build this infrastructure in terms of quality, aesthetics and environmental sustainability," said Basuki.

The next development directive is an inclusive and sustainable economy to ensure economic growth that creates quality employment opportunities, reduce inequality and create environmentally friendly products.

Meanwhile, the spending policy in the Infrastructure sector in 2025 includes equitable development of basic infrastructure and the economy, supporting the development of the National Strategic Project (PSN). Including, continuing the development of IKN.

Furthermore, encouraging creative financing schemes (creative financing) and Government Cooperation with Business Entities (PPP) to increase the role of business entities.

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