JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono revealed that the Indonesian National Construction Implementation Association (GAPENSI) as one of the strategic partners of the Ministry of PUPR in national infrastructure development can continue to play an active role in improving the performance of the construction industry.

"First, in empowering small businesses in the construction service sector. With the Regional Road Instruction and the Water Drinking Inpres and Sanitation, we all use it for regional entrepreneurs using e-catalog. We feel that with e-catalog the results are much better because those who are selected are those who really have real capabilities," said Basuki in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 6.

He also encouraged the use of the Integrated Construction Services Information System (SIJKT) that has been developed by the Ministry of PUPR, including registration of business entity experience through the Experience Information System (SIMPAN) application and registration of equipment owned through the Material Information System and Construction Equipment (SIMPK).

Then prioritizing the use of domestic products. If I find that in the field there are imported products that use the APBN, I will definitely dismantle them, because I have the responsibility to use the APBN for domestic products," he said.

In addition, GAPENSI is also expected to initiate training activities and on-site construction workforce certification, especially for level 1 s/d 6.

"I really hope that GAPENSI will continue to grow stronger. Hopefully this National Conference can choose a leader who has the intention of serving the country," said Basuki.

Basuki officially opened the Joint National Conference (Munas) for the Indonesian National Construction Implementation (GAPENSI) XV 2024 with the theme Synergy and GAPENSI Innovation Towards Indonesia Gold 2045.

The series of XV 2024 GAPENSI National Conference events lasted for 3 days on June 5-7, 2024 and were attended by 50 invited people, 60 ordinary participants, 175 full participants, and 215 observer participants. The main agenda of this National Conference is the election and inauguration of the General Chairperson of the Central Executive Board (BPP) of the GAPENSI for the term of service in 2024-2029.

Head of GAPENSI XV National Conference Organizer Bambang Rahmadi said that this event is an important moment for us to discuss and formulate strategic steps in an effort to build a better future of construction services in Indonesia.

"Let's work together to make this GAPENSI National Conference a momentum to synergize and innovate towards Indonesia Gold 2045," said Bambang.

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