JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM) seeks to increase Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) through various strategic steps, one of which is by optimizing the use of State Property (BMN) through a rental mechanism that has succeeded in increasing PNBP by Rp. 19.3 billion.

Head of the BMN Management Center Sumartono revealed that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources continues to strive to optimize BMN in the context of implementing PSN and national energy security. The use of BMN is carried out through a rental mechanism, operational cooperation (KSO), and other utilization in accordance with applicable regulations.

"We fully support every stakeholder who wants to carry out the use of state assets, especially BMN State General Treasurer (BMN BUN) to optimize PNBP and national energy independence," said Sumartono, quoted on Wednesday, June 5.

In line with Sumartono, the Coordinator of Security, Maintenance, and Utilization of BMN, the Djuperi Alps, stated that the BMN rental agreement from PKP2B had been approved by the DJKN of the Ministry of Finance as the Manager of Goods in accordance with a letter from the Director General of State Assets. Minister of Finance. According to the proposal, the BMN rental will be carried out by PT PLN (Persero) to carry out the National Strategic Project (PSN), which includes the construction of the 150 KV High Pressure Air Line (SUTT) from Sangatta to Maloy in East Kutai Regency.

"This project will support the Maloy Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and replace the Diesel Power Plant (PLTD)," explained the Alps.

In addition to PT PLN (Persero), the lease agreement was also signed for the use of BMN PT Petromine Energy Trading for BMN originating from PT KPC PKP2B, which includes 12.5 ha of land. This utilization is an extension of the previous utilization, with a lease extension period of 7 years and 9 months, starting on March 23, 2024.

Meanwhile, the Director of PT Petromine Energy Trading Yuanita expressed his appreciation to KESDM for the implementation of this collaboration.

"We would like to thank KESDM and PT KPC so that the implementation of utilization in the context of implementing general fuel commercial activities can run smoothly until the process of signing the rental agreement," said Yaunita.

Yuanita hopes that this collaboration can continue in the future and provide greater benefits for both parties.

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