JAKARTA - The Government's focus on the Development of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) is one of the strategies to realize Indonesia's economic target in 2045, namely economic growth which is more inclusive and equitable through accelerating development in eastern Indonesia, emphasizing development sustainability as a principle of realizing energy-efficient cities, utilizing renewable energy, and low carbon emissions.

"As one of the Ministries tasked with IKN development, the Ministry of PUPR wants to encourage the supply of domestic industrial-based materials and construction equipment that is able to support the principle of sustainable infrastructure development," said Secretary General of the Ministry of PUPR, Mohammad Zainal Fatah.

Most recently, one of the realizations carried out by the Government to ensure sustainable infrastructure development at IKN, was through the signing of a collaboration between PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) and PT Bina Karya (Persero) (Bina Karya) in the provision of building materials including cement-based products, green cement-based products, cement derivative products and building materials carried out by the President Director of SIG, Donny Arsal and the President Director of Bina Karya, Boyke Prasetyanto at The East Tower, Jakarta, on Thursday, May 30.

Green cement in its production process produces lower greenhouse gas emissions (carbon emissions) compared to conventional cement (OPC), but still provides equivalent performance in its allocation class. As an example of the work of green cement SIG, hydraulis cement for infrastructure projects and cement derivative applications (for example paving porous for inundated water solutions, SpeedCrete for dry fast concrete solutions). Semen PCC for general infrastructure and soil stabilizers, slag cement for marine structure, high rise building and dams as well as cement masonry for non-structural applications.

The Greenement by GIS so far has resulted in a lower reduction in carbon emissions by 38 percent per tonne of cement than the OPC. The readiness of GIS in providing green cement is expected to be able to answer the needs of more environmentally friendly building materials solutions. In addition, this collaboration also includes the use of assets and supporting resources for business activities in IKN and partner areas managed by both parties, as well as other potential collaborations.

"In addition to having a portfolio of low-carbon building materials and solutions, GIS has an extensive production and distribution network advantage that is able to meet development needs throughout Indonesia. So, in addition to quality and low-carbon products, SIG also provides added value efficiency for guaranteeing timely supply availability and delivery," said Donny Arsal.

Since December 2022, GIS has been trusted to supply building materials for IKN infrastructure development needs. As of February 2024, SIG has supplied around 400 thousand tons of cement from facilities in Balikpapan and Samarinda which are geographically close to the project site. The collaboration with Bina Karya is targeted to be a catalyst that makes GIS a provider of building materials in the green category for the application of ESG principles in the production process and supply chain.

It is known, that the estimated need for materials and construction equipment at IKN for the period 2022-2024 included cement material of 1.94 million tons and precast and pretight concrete materials of 748 thousand tons. The Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General of Construction encourages the fulfillment of the quality of standardized material needs to produce quality construction/infrastructure and according to the plan life, supporting the transformation of the construction industry 4.0 by encouraging increased use of domestic materials resources.

The President Director of Bina Karya, Boyke Prasetyanto, expressed his hope that this collaboration could run smoothly.

"We hope that, through this collaboration, all buildings in the archipelago will not only carry the concept of green building, but also green construction because they use environmentally friendly building materials," he said.

In the construction of the Nusantara IKN infrastructure, GIS building materials products are used for various work packages, such as the State Palace, the Presidential Office, and Ceremony Fields located in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) to the IKN Section 3A Toll Road (Karangjoang-KKT Kariangau), Section 3B (KKT Kariangau-Simpang Tempadung), and Section 5A (City Intersection - Balang Island Bridge).

The existence of the Toll Road which will be connected to the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road is expected to shorten the distance from Balikpapan to KIPP IKN from the previous 2 hours to 45 minutes.

Selain itu, produk semen SIG juga digunakan untuk infrastruktur pendukung KIPP, yaitu Intake Sepaku dan Bendungan Sepaku yang akan berfungsi sebagai sarana pendukung untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air baku di IKN yang bersumber dari Sungai Sepaku yang berfungsi sebagai pengendali banjir di IKN.

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