Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) of the Ministry of Finance of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province stated that local banks had distributed people's business loans (KUR) of IDR 533.73 billion to 7,823 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) during April 2024.
"Currently, the problem with the distribution of KUR is that people do not care about the importance of NIB in doing business," said Head of the DJPb Regional Office of the Babel Islands Province, Edih Mulyadi, quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, June 2.
He said the realization of KUR April 2024 amounting to Rp533.73 billion distributed to 7,823 debtors was dominated by Bangka Regency reaching 25.04 percent of the total KUR distribution in Serupun Sebalai Country.
"The public does not care about the importance of NIB in trying, so it becomes an obstacle in accelerating the distribution of KUR," he said.
He stated that the realization of UMi April 2024 amounted to Rp13.08 billion which was distributed to 2,612 debtors and dominated by Bangka Regency by 39.09 percent of the total distribution.
"Currently Pegadaian is still focused on the super micro KUR program. For debtors who do not pass the KUR curation or are still non-bankable, they will be transferred to UMi financing," he said.
According to him, in optimizing the distribution of KUR, education is needed for MSME actors regarding the importance of NIB and the management of legality of businesses to accelerate the distribution of KUR.
"The awareness of MSME actors in managing this NIB is because they do not understand the importance of the legality of their business," he said.
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