The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has denied that the import of PT Pindad (Persero) explosives was detained at the port because it was hampered by technical considerations (pertek).

The detention of imports of PT Pindad explosives at the port was revealed by the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan. The man who is familiarly called Zulhas admitted that he received direct complaints from the President Director of PT Pindad (Persero) Abraham Mose.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry, Febri Hendri Antoni Arif, said that his party had searched for import recommendation requests from Pindad on the National Industrial Information System (SIINAs) as well as complaints against public services provided by the Ministry of Industry, as well as clarifying PT Pindad (Persero).

"From the results of the search by the Ministry of Industry, information was found, first, there was no application for technology for import permits for explosives from PT Pindad (Persero) which was included in the SIINAs Kemenperin in March April 2024," he said in an official statement, Sunday, June 2.

In addition, Febri also said that based on the Minister of Trade 25 of 2022, Permendag 36 of 2023, Permendag 3 of 2024, Permendag 7 of 2024, and Permendag 8 of 2024 it was found that import permits, either pertek or Import Recommendations, for explosives for commercial industries with codes HS 2904, 2920, 2927, 2933, 3102, 3105, 3601, 3602, 3603, and 3604 were issued by other Ministries/Institutions and not by the Ministry of Industry.

On this basis, Febri considered that the Ministry of Industry had been scapegoated for the long exit of Pertek for importing PT. Pindad (Persero) explosives.

According to him, Trade Minister Zulhas was not careful with his own Permendag regarding the permit to import explosives.

"Therefore, the Ministry of Industry regrets the statement from the Ministry of Trade," said Febri.

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry said that the Ministry of Trade should also pay attention to the problem of the length of time the PI was issued from the Ministry of Trade during the current policy period in March to May 2024.

The Ministry of Industry, continued Febri, has issued 1,086 Pertek related to its Iron or Steel, Steel and Derivative Products during that period. However, the PI issued by the Ministry of Trade related to a number of Pertek is only 821 PI.

"This also proves that the reason for the accumulation of containers containing imported goods at the port is not caused by the Pertek issued by the Ministry of Industry, but because it is too late for the issuance of PI from the Ministry of Trade," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan revealed that the accumulation of containers at the container port caused the import of explosives carried out by PT Pindad (Persero).

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, admitted that he received a direct complaint from the President Director of Pindad Abraham Mose at his residence. Therefore, he admitted that he was late for the launch of the 39th Trade Expo Indonesia at the Ministry of Trade Office.

"Earlier, the President Director of PT Pindad came because he was urgent, he said, yes I received it. Apparently there were imports of explosives that could not get out of the port, it was equally difficult. He had a hard time not leaving the material, Customs and Excise was difficult to fear exploding," said Trade Minister Zulkifli, at the Ministry of Trade Office, Jakarta, Friday, May 31.

Based on the confession of the President Director of Pindad, said Zulhas, the explosives were admitted to have arrived since March 2024.

However, the import permit for Pindad explosives was only taken care of in April 2024.

Zulhas also realized that there was a time difference between the arrival of goods and the processing of permits.

He admitted that this was due to technical considerations (pertek) which took time.

For your information, this technical consideration is the authority of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin).

"I asked why couldn't come out? He said the goods came in March, the permit was only April, that's it. So there's a difference. Why don't the goods go out until the import approval is only April? He said 'pertek-pertek a while sir',' he explained.

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