Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) General TNI (Ret.) Moeldoko stated that the funds collected as savings for the Public Housing Savings (Tapera) program could be disbursed as cash if the participants no longer needed to finance the house.

"But what form for those who already have a house? Do we have to build a house? We discussed it inside, later in the end when he retires, it's finished, it can be withdrawn in a fresh form of money with the maturation that occurs," he said at a press conference, at the Presidential Staff Office, Jakarta, Friday, May 31.

Moeldoko emphasized that the Tapera program is not a contribution through salary cuts but savings that are required by law (UU).

"So I want to emphasize that this tempera is not a pay cut or contribution, but this Tapera is a savings. In the law it is mandatory, there is a law that says it requires," he said.

Meanwhile, Tapera is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2024 concerning amendments to Government Regulation Number 25 of 2020 concerning Public Housing Savings (Tapera).

Referring to the regulation, the amount of savings for Tapera participants set is 3 percent. Divided by 0.5 percent borne by employers, and 2.5 percent must be paid by workers through salary cuts.

Regarding this, Moeldoko said the government would intensify communication and dialogue with the community and the business world. He said there was still time to have a dialogue before this rule was actually implemented in 2027.

"We still have time until 2027, so there is an opportunity to be consulatic, don't worry," he said.

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