JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) targets as many as 42.08 million customers to receive electricity subsidies by 2025.

For this subsidy distribution, PLN estimates that the required budget is IDR 83.08 trillion. Just so you know, there will be 40.4 million recipients of electricity subsidies in 2024.

"The 2025 electricity subsidy is IDR 83.08 trillion. This of course uses the assumptions of ICP, exchange rate, and inflation in accordance with the one in the APBN," said PT PLN (Persero) President Director Darmawan Prasodjo, quoted on Friday, May 31.

Darmawan said, in the 2025 State Revenue and Dutch Budget Draft (RAPBN), the assumption of the price of Indonesian crude oil or Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) is 80 US dollars per barrel and the assumption of an exchange rate is set at IDR 15,100 per US dollar, and the inflation rate is 2.5 percent.

Of the total 42.08 million customers who received electricity subsidies in 2025, most of them are household customers with 450 VA and 900 VA power.

Darmawan also detailed that the number of household customers was 35.22 million with an electricity subsidy budget portion of IDR 54 trillion. Social customers, such as schools and houses of worship, amounted to 2.13 million with a budget portion of IDR 12.2 trillion.

Meanwhile, small business customers such as stalls and small shops are 4.29 million with a budget portion of Rp9.4 trillion.

Then small and medium industries, such as welding workshops and furniture makers, as many as 240,000 customers with a budget portion of IDR 5.9 trillion.

As well as small government customers, such as sub-district offices and sub-district offices, as many as 200,000 with an electricity subsidy budget portion of IDR 1.6 trillion.

"So the amount of the lysric subsidy is 64.95 percent for household customers," said Darmawan.

Regarding customer data sources, Darmawan said that PLN integrated customer ID data with the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos).

"We have successfully integrated PT PLN's customer ID data with the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) webservice from the Ministry of Social Affairs," concluded Darmawan.

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