PT PLN (Persero) plans to increase clean electricity with a total of 61 Gigawatts (GW) by implementing an Accelerated Renewable Energy Development (ARED) scenario until 2040.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said, to smooth out this plan, the development plan was supported by the Green Super Grid to overcome the discrepancy between supply and electricity needs and connect new renewable energy sources (EBT) to demand centers.

"The first is that we map out the existence of a mismatch between the location of potential new renewable energy sources and the epicentrum of demand. Therefore, in building an Accelerated Renewable Energy Development, it is necessary that the name Green Supergrid or Green Enabling Transmission be used to support Renewable Energy Development," said Darmawan, quoted on Friday, May 31.

Later, he said, the transmission construction would be carried out from Sumatra Island, continuing to Java Island, to Kalimantan Island and Sulawesi Island.

In addition, Green Enabling Transmission Line will also be built in Sulawesi and Kalimantan, which have the most green electricity supply, then in 2035 there needs to be a connection from Kalimantan to Java, which is the center of demand.

"Then there also needs to be a connection from East Nusa Tenggara to Java around 2040," continued Darmawan.

The new energy sources include Hydro, Geothermal, Bioenergy, Solar, and wind.

Darmawan detailed that the 61 GWs consisted of 20 GWs of hydro energy, geothermal around 7.1 GW, bioenergy around 3.7 GW, solar 16.5 GW, wind around 11.3 GW, then new energy around 2.3 GW, with a total of 61 GW.

"This is between 2024 and 2040," said Darmawan briefly.

Not only 61 GW, he said, there will be an additional 20 GW of gas-based generators.

"In addition to the addition of 20 GW gas-based generators, and this also considers the president's regulation regarding new and renewable energy which was released two years ago where PLN could no longer increase the planning of coal-based power generation capacity," concluded Darmawan.

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