JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dadan Kusdiana reported that the transformation of the distribution of three kilograms of LPG (kg) was right on target phase I and increased supervision was able to suppress the overquote in 2023.

Tren realisasi LPG 3 kg pada tahun 2019 sampai dengan 2022 rata-rata mengalami kenaikan sekitar 4,5 persem per tahun. Perbandingan penyaluran LPG year on year dari 2022 ke 2023 sebesar 3,2 persen. Penurunan persenkatan kenaikan sebesar 1,3 persen dipengaruhi oleh transform tahap I dan peningkatan pengawasan sehingga overkuota 2023 dapat ditehan, jelas Dadan yang dikutip Kamis, 30 Mei.

Dadan revealed, currently there are 42.4 million NIKs registered as 3 kg LPG consumers.

According to him, the Directorate General of Oil and Gas is trying to ensure that households that need subsidies will definitely get their rights, but for households with 8 to 10 they will not be able to buy 3 kg LPG cylinders.

Dadan said the 3 kg LPG volume quota in 2024 was 8.03 million MT, with a realization until April 30, 2024 of 2.68 million Mton or 33.38 percent of the quota, while the outlook until the end of 2024 was 8.121 million MT.

"In 2024 we are still on track according to the state budget, this is proof that the transformation effort on target for 3 kg LPG has begun to be seen," added Dadan.

Dadan explained that the policy was carried out, including data collection on 3 kg technology-based LPG users.

In line with that, 3 kg LPG users are 3 kg LPG users who have been recorded and listed in data by name by address according to applicable regulations.

The implementation of this transformation is carried out in stages by taking into account the readiness of data, infrastructure, and economic and social conditions of the community.

On this occasion, Dadan also described various efforts made by the Directorate General of Oil and Gas in increasing LPG Right on Target, firstly the implementation of the 3 kg LPG distribution transformation on target, by recording potential consumers on target.

Recording status as of May 19, 2024, there are 42.4 million NIKs that have been registered in the Pertamina Pangkalan Merchant Apps system.

Second, by carrying out inspections of horeka (hotels, restaurants, cafes) in April 2024 in DKI, Bogor, Depok, Bali in the context of monitoring the distribution of 3 kg LPG. It was found that the price of LPG cylinders was 12 Kg and 50 Kg far below the price of LPG cylinders 3 kh, there were indications of oplosan.

"There is a purchase price for 50 kg of LPG cylinder consumers of Rp. 600,000, while the price from Pertamina is around Rp. 900,000," explained Dadan.

Third, coordinating with law enforcement officials in the context of providing expert information on cases of misuse of 3 kg LPG distribution which increases every year.

Since the last two years, there have been 23 cases of administrative violations and 149 criminal cases in the form of transferring gas cylinders.

The fourth effort is to supervise and verify the distribution of 3 kg LPG refills every month.

Every month opname stocks are carried out to calculate gains and losses at the Elpiji Bulk Charging and Transport Station (SPPBE), verifying with Agents, Bases and Consumers to be a correction factor.

Finally, we are in the process of revising Presidential Decree 104/2007 concerning Provision, Distribution, and Price Determination of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tubes 3 Kilograms in order to set the criteria for users to refill 3 Kg of the Tube LPG. Currently waiting for the approval of the Prakarsa Permit," said Dadan.

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