JAKARTA - Siemens Healthmakers will install a MAMMOMAT Revelations mamography system at the Dili Medical Center, which will be Timor-Leste's first emmographical system.

Mambographic examination is the most effective method of detecting cancer in the breast.

With 141 cases in 2022, breast cancer is the most common cancer found among women in Timor Leste.

Currently, without a mamographic system in Timor Leste, patients often have to travel to neighboring countries for diagnosis and treatment. By installing a mamographic system at the Dili Medical Center, we are optimistic that we can overcome the challenges surrounding breast tests and the high percentage of breast cancer in this country," said Chief Executive Officer of the Dili Medical Center, Merry Monteiro.

"We are pleased to be working with Siemens Healthmakers in bringing this system to Timor Leste. Together, we will work to reduce the death rate from breast cancer in the future," he continued.

With more than 70 percent of Timor Leste's total population living in rural areas, Dili Medical Center is one of the private clinics that focuses on providing the best health care and diagnostics in Timor-Leste, which is directly managed by the state.

The existence of this mamographic system provides an opportunity for 650,000 women to get quality mamographic screening.

Dili Medical Center will also focus on increasing patient awareness and managing a screening program with the aim of examining 200 women per year.

"With this partnership, we are carrying out our goal of pioneering breakthroughs in health care for everyone everywhere, sustainably. It is very proud to be able to install the country's first emmographical system at the Dili Medical Center and help the community on their most common journey against cancer, especially among women," said Alfred Fahringer.

"Our collaboration is a significant step in improving women's health by providing affordable access to cancer treatment in Timor-Leste, and will continue in the future," he continued.

Country Head of Siemens Healthmakers Indonesia. MAMMOMAT Revelation is a state-of-the-art mamography system with extraordinary image quality, low radiation doses, and can ensure comfort and safety for patients during breast tests.

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