JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) revealed that the latest developments show that economic activity in the second quarter of 2024 remains good, this is reflected in the positive performance of a number of indicators of household consumption and investment, such as the Consumer Confidence Index, the Real Sales Index, and the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) Manufacturing.

"With these various developments, economic growth in 2024 is predicted to be in the range of 4.7 percent-5.5 percent," he said at a press conference, Wednesday, May 22.

Perry said that Bank Indonesia continues to strengthen synergies to support sustainable economic growth, especially in terms of demand, through a macroprudential policy stimulus pursued by the Government's fiscal stimulus.

According to Perry, Indonesia's economy remains resilient in the period of high global uncertainty. Reflecting on the economic growth in the first quarter of 2024, it was recorded at 5.11 percent (yoy), an increase compared to growth in the previous quarter of 5.04 percent (yoy).

Perry menyampaikan perkembangan ini didukung oleh permintaan domestik. Konsumsi swasta dan Pemerintah meningkat didorong oleh dampak positif pelaksanaan Pemilu 2024 dan hari libur nasional terkait dengan Hari Besar Keagamaan Nasional.

"Investment is growing well, mainly supported by building investments as infrastructure development continues," he said.

Meanwhile, Perry said exports were slowing in line with the weak demand from major trading partners.

Meanwhile, the performance of economic growth in the first quarter of 2024 is also supported by increased growth in business fields (LU) related to mobility, such as Large and Retail Trade LU, LU Provision of Accommodation and Drinking, and LU Information and Communication.

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