PT PLN (Persero) has prepared 52 charging stations along with personnel on standby to support the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) Summit in Bali on May 18-25, 2024.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo revealed, not only maintaining reliable electricity supply, PLN is also committed to supporting the use of electric vehicles by delegates during the Summit event.

"Although we are used to preparing international events that require electric vehicle infrastructure such as the G20, and the previous ASEAN Summit, we are still preparing it optimally so that it can run even better," Darmawan explained, Saturday, May 18.

Similarly, the Director of Retail and Commerce, Edi Srimulyanti, said that his party had alerted all personnel and infrastructure for the smooth running of the upcoming WWF agenda.

He explained that PLN had alerted 52 charging station infrastructure consisting of 12 SPKLU Ultra Fast Charging units, 20 SPKLU Standard Charging units and 20 SPLU units (General Electricity Charging Stations) for generation 2.

Our team has measured, calculated and simulated the use of electric vehicles, all movements and mobilization have been studied in order to obtain the right battery power numbers in electric vehicles so that we can draw up more accurate SOPs," explained Edi.

In order to optimize existing SPKLU services, PLN has mapped risks and mitigated properly, especially in terms of the reliability of the provision of EV charging infrastructure.

During the 10th WWF event in Bali, it is estimated that there will be 670 electric vehicles that will be provided, including delegates and operational vehicles that will serve 43 countries and 4 international organizations.

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