Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi revealed that transportation development has increased in the last 10 years.

"We have indeed seen that over the past 10 years there has been a series of transportation development processes, both in urban and throughout Indonesia. We can see that all of them are relatively rising. So the highest sea, then trains, airports, and crossings," said Budi Karya Sumadi, who was present online at the Transportation Sector Discussion Forum in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, May 18.

According to the Minister of Transportation, the improvement in the construction occurred because many airports, train stations and bus terminals were renovated and repaired.

"It should be noted that we renovated many airports, so that they are better, we repair many train stations properly and we also repair type A terminals in Java and outside Java," he also said.

Budi Karya Sumadi also said that the significant changes that have occurred in the development of the transportation sector in the last 10 years are how President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) initiated MRT, Fast Train, and LRT transportation.

"This is the pride of the Indonesian nation," said Budi Karya Sumadi.

In the last 10 years, the construction of the land transportation sector has carried out 85 ferry port developments, 65 crossing pier constructions, 12 new ferry port constructions, and 6 metropolitan cities with urban mass transportation systems.

Then for the railway sector, construction of 10,709 kilometers of railway lines, 58 construction sites, and modernization of train stations, construction of LRT, MRT, luxury trains, Trans Sulawesi trains, and pioneer trains have been carried out.

In the marine transportation sector, 39 sea toll routes have been built, 51 development and development projects and rehabilitation of port facilities.

Then, 41 new air bridge routes have been built and the construction of 26 new airports.

Budi Karya Sumadi hopes that transportation infrastructure development can continue to be carried out consistently.

"What is the task of the Ministry of Transportation is very massive, and Mr. President of the Republic of Indonesia always tells me, please what is made must be delivered ( felt by the community). What we do, such asctions, MRT and LRT, produces something that is delivered," he also said.

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