PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) noted that the realization of subsidized fertilizer distribution has reached 1.93 million tons from 9.55 million tons of allocation in 2024, in order to increase agricultural productivity in realizing food self-sufficiency in the country.

"In terms of distribution, until May 10, 2024, Pupuk Indonesia has succeeded in distributing subsidized fertilizers of 1.93 million tons or equivalent to 20.3 percent of the total fertilizer subsidy allocation of 9.55 million tons nationally," said Pupuk Indonesia Marketing Director Tri Wahyudi Saleh in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, May 14.

Tri said the distribution of subsidized fertilizers was urea fertilizer of 1.12 million tons and NPK of 809,073 tons. Even so, he did not specify the distribution of the recipients of the subsidized fertilizer throughout Indonesia.

He said the government had set the national allocation of fertilizer subsidies to increase to 9.55 million tons, an increase of 2 times from the previous 4.7 million tons in 2024.

He said that the addition of the allocation of fertilizer subsidies was contained in the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture (Kepmentan) Number 249 of 2024 and Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture (Permentan) Number 01 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Permentan Number 10 of 2022.

"The policy of increasing this volume needs to be widely and massively socialized so that registered farmers can find out and receive the benefits, besides that in the implementation of the distribution and distribution process for the additional volume of subsidized fertilizer allocation, it must be monitored properly," said Tri.

Tri said the allocation of subsidized fertilizers was aimed at four types, namely Urea, NPK, Special Formula NPK, and the most recent is Organic fertilizer.

The addition of allocations to these four types of fertilizers is set at 4,634,626 tons for Urea, 4,278,504 tons for NPK, 136,870 tons for the Special Formula NPK, and 500,000 tons for Organic fertilizers.

Meanwhile, the addition of subsidized fertilizer allocations can be utilized by registered farmers or farmers who meet the criteria according to Permentan Number 01 of 2024, namely joining the Farmers Group and being registered in the electronic plan for determining group needs (e-RDKK).

This subsidized fertilizer is intended for farmers who make farming businesses for food crop sub-sectors such as rice, corn, and soybeans, as well as sub-sectors for horticultural crops such as chilies, shallots, and garlic, and sub-sectors for plantations such as sugar cane, cocoa, and coffee.

Of these types of farming businesses, it is determined that the criteria for the area of land that is pursued are a maximum of 2 hectares, including farmers who are members of the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH), in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

In this new regulation, Electronic Plans for Definitive Group Needs (e-RDKK) can be evaluated every four months of the running year. In other words, farmers who have not received an allocation can input the registration process during the evaluation process in the current year.

It doesn't stop there, Tri continued, the allocation of subsidized fertilizers can be redeemed by farmers using only Identity Cards (KTP) at official kiosks. Fertilizer use ID cards can be done because all official kiosks have been equipped with the i-Pubers application (Subsidized Fertilizer Integration).

Through the i-Pubers application, kiosk owners can verify the data through scanning the original ID cards of farmers so that subsidized fertilizers can be obtained easily by eligible farmers.

"We also hope that farmers can redeem subsidized fertilizers easily using their ID cards. kiosk officers will swiftly assist and oversee the process of redeeming fertilizer so that subsidized fertilizers can be used by eligible farmers in accordance with the provisions," said Tri.

In line with the stipulation of the Permentan policy Number 01 of 2024 and the Ministry of Agriculture Number 249 of 2024, said Tri, Pupuk Indonesia ensures the availability of stock in all lines to support this policy.

"As of May 10, 2024, the national subsidized fertilizer stock is currently recorded at 2.1 million tons or reaches 222 percent of the minimum provisions set by the government," explained Tri.

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