JAKARTA - Industrial relations between BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, workers and the North Jakarta City Government are increasingly conducive thanks to constructive communication.

Head of the BPJAMSOSTEK Jakarta Cilincing Branch Office (Kakacab), Haryani Rotua Melasari, said that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has always collaborated intensively with the City Government or the City Leadership Communication Forum and the labor alliance so that for the last 3 years this has been going very well.

"We periodically always discuss with fellow workers. So at least once a year. That's how we build harmony in North Jakarta so that they don't have a distance (gap) with us, so that when there are problems with those related to our membership or service, we can always be handled properly. So the good and constructive communication that we always build with them, "said Ani, her nickname, in Jakarta recently, quoted Monday, May 13.

This good relationship, for example, was seen during the commemoration of International Labor Day (May Day) on May 1, which was attended by thousands of workers at GOR Rawa Badak, Rawa Badak Selatan, Koja, North Jakarta.

On that occasion, the North Jakarta Employment BPJS distributed 580 food packages to representatives of labor unions in North Jakarta.

In addition, JKK compensation, JHT, JP and scholarships worth Rp974,549,826 were also handed over to the heirs of Akhmad Irdiana from Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur and the heirs on behalf of Sumini from Kukuh Mandiri Lestari worth Rp. 911,074,260.

Ani said that after all, the workers are the main stakeholders of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. "Therefore, we want to continue to collaborate with fellow workers so that they can provide better services," said Ani.

The Mayor of North Jakarta Administration, Ali Maulana Hakim also emphasized that he strongly supports efforts to improve the welfare of workers or laborers.

"It is the duty, function, and role of the government, of course, to improve the welfare of the people. We always try not to worry in trying and working so as to create prosperity in terms of the community's economy," he said.

Ali emphasized that the North Jakarta City Government together with the Tripartite Cooperation Institute (LKS) are ready to accommodate all the aspirations of workers for discussion and realization according to their capacity.

"This aims to ensure that there are no concerns for anyone who runs a business and works, so as to create economic prosperity," he concluded.

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