JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) plans to provide additional holidays for BUMN employees. With this additional holiday, employees have a 4-day job opportunity in a week, or a 3-day holiday in a week.

Then is the additional holiday program already running?

Deputy for Human Resources, Technology and Information Management of the Ministry of SOEs, Tedi Bharata explained that currently the three-day holiday system will only be implemented at the Ministry of SOEs.

"Regarding the BUMN employees that were conveyed by the Minister, this is for the Ministry of SOEs first," he said when met at TMII, Jakarta, Sunday, May 12.

Currently, continued Tedi, the Ministry of SOEs is making a number of preparations to implement the 4-day work system. Such as related to regulations and digital platforms.

In terms of regulations, we are also finalizing the system, because it needs an enabler (mover), right, it needs digital-digital for the platform. We are currently preparing this, we will align it soon," explained Tedi.

Tedi said the plan to implement the work system was also carried out as an effort to increase concern for employees of the Ministry of SOEs, and it is hoped that it will have an impact on employee productivity.

"This is one key, now what we need to pay attention to our employees, and also on the other hand where we want their productivity to also increase, we are innovating programs, and this is what we are doing at the Ministry of SOEs," he explained.

Previously, the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, said that BUMN employees could take additional holidays on Friday after working hard. This step is an effort to encourage mental health aspects for state-owned employees.

Initially, Erick said as much as 70 percent of the younger generation currently had mental health issues. Therefore, he encourages the implementation of a program called a comprehensive working schedule.

With this program, continued Erick, SOE employees can take three days off a week.

However, Erick said that employees who can take a vacation are those who work more than 40 hours a week.

"If you have worked for more than 40 hours, you have alternatives at the Ministry of SOEs, I don't know if it's in a state-owned company, you can, if it's more than 40 hours they have an alternative to take a day off on Friday," Erick said at the 2024 BCOMSS Night Awarding event, at Tennis Indoor Senayan, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 7.

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