JAKARTA - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk (JSMR) for the 2023 financial year, decided to distribute dividends to shareholders amounting to IDR 274.8 billion. The dividend is equivalent to 10 percent of the core income or 4 percent of the net profit attributable to the parent JSMR in full year 2023.
The government as the holder of 70 percent of Jasa Marga's shares will receive a dividend of IDR 192.4 billion, while public shareholders of 30 percent will get IDR 82.4 billion.
Jasa Marga Corporate Secretary & Chief Administration Officer Nixon Sitorus said the provision of dividends for the 2023 financial year was carried out in a moderate scenario because it considered economic uncertainty and the global situation, as well as the increase in the benchmark interest rate of Bank Indonesia in 2024.
"The amount of dividend per share obtained by shareholders is around Rp37,86353. Meanwhile, the remaining net profit in 2023 of the company is allocated as retained earnings that will be used as other reserves," Nixon said, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 8.
For information, JSMR earned a net profit of IDR 6.8 trillion in 2023. The company's EBITDA reached IDR 9.9 trillion or grew by 14.2 percent from the same period in the previous year.
Throughout 2023, Jasa Marga noted that the average daily traffic volume on the Jasa Marga Group Toll Road reached 3.5 million vehicles, an increase of 5.3 percent from 2022.
In order to optimize the company's business portfolio, Jasa Marga in July 2023 carried out the repurchase of the Limited Participation Fund Reksa (RDPT) Mandiri Transjawa Equity Infrastructure (MIET) at PT Jasamarga Semarang Batang (JSB), PT Jasamarga Solo Ngawi (JSN), and PT Jasamarga Ngawi Kertosono Kediri (JNK) through the acquisition of shares of PT Lintas Marga Jawarang Trans Java toll.
In addition to the repurchase of RDPT MIET, in October 2022, Jasa Marga has also divested the MBZ Flyover which is managed by PT Jasamarga Jalan flyover Cikampek (JJC).
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