JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI, Eddy Soeparno, stated a number of negative and positive impacts if the Mining Business License (IUP) is managed by religious community organizations (ormas).

Eddy said, one of the advantages of IUP being managed by religious organizations is that they can empower mass organizations.

"Maybe in mass organizations there are experts who know about mining problems and that gives mass organizations the opportunity to legally support themselves. That's one of the benefits," he said in the Mining Zone, quoted Wednesday, May 8.

Meski demikian Eddy menyebut dirinya juga melihat adanya konsekuensi negatif dari pemberian IUP kepada ormas. Menurutnya pengelolaan IUP dan pertambangan bukan sebuah langkah sederhana karena membutuhkan kemampuan finansial yang cukup besar

"Environmental management is also a complex thing, including the sustainability of mining, how to carry out sustainable mining," continued Eddy.

According to him, the mining industry is currently not only talking about mining but also involving sustainable mining and paying attention to the principles of environmental management around the mine.

For this reason, Eddy emphasized the need for special assistants when IUP is given to mass organizations. This is intended so that there is no discriminatory impression and license sale.

"Here I want to carry out special supervision when this is running, especially the aspect of granting permits, so that there is no impression of a permit sale even though on one hand we want to manage the resilience of our mining mineral reserves," he explained.

Eddy said that the function of Commission VII of the DPR RI, in this case, will also run more and more by 'gazing' the problem of granting IUP permits so that they are right on target and do not fall to parties who have a poor track record so that they risk pading mineral reserve problems.

"So there is a succession which was then born from granting permits to this mass organization so that it can be expanded to other third parties," concluded Eddy.

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