YOGYAKARTA - The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) is preparing e-commerce applications such as Amazon and Alibaba applications to market small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the country to the international market.

"The plan is that we will build it and we will launch it this year," said LPEI Business Development Managing Director Maqin U. Norhadi at the Press Tour of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), Wednesday, May 1.

According to Maqin, through this digital platform, SME entrepreneurs will also receive education on product development, export training, and marketing spaces at the international level.

Maqin explained that the reach of the international market could be obtained because LPEI has now been able to provide export markets for SMEs for 118 countries, out of 197 countries in the world today.

These include the United States, Saudi Arabia, Germany, the Netherlands, Malaysia, and the South Asian region.

"So this year we want to build a digital LPEI platform. If China has Alibaba, the US has Amazon, where now friends are buying something from China through the platform, foreign goods enter Indonesia, but we don't have a digital market place platform that crosses borders," he said.

Maqin said that at least 26 SME export products had entered the international market, such as Kakao, Coffee, Bulu Mata, Peti Mati, Kraft Eceng Gondok, Kelor leaves, to Ant Sugar.

In addition, Maqin claimed that the eyelashes used by Katy Perry were the result of the production of SME bantul, and coffins used in the US were also the result of Indonesian SMEs.

Maqin ensured that with this digital platform, SME products could become more widespread in the international market.

However, he has not been able to provide more details regarding the platform's information because it will be launched to the public in the near future.

"So what is clear is that SMEs will easily be able to access them from anywhere, follow export education programs, and market their products cross-bordered. At the time of launching we will invite and ask for prayers," he concluded.

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