JAKARTA - PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk (WIKA) has a new contract of IDR 5.04 trillion until March 2024. The largest contribution to the new contract comes from the industrial segment, followed by the infrastructure and building segments, EPCC, property and investment.

WIKA President Director Agung Budi Waskito said the existence of the industry as the segment with the largest contribution was thanks to the performance of WIKA Beton as a leading company in the precast concrete industry.

"In terms of ownership, most of the projects achieved by WIKA come from the government and BUMN, with a monthly progress payment scheme," said Agung Budi as quoted from the official website of WIKA, Tuesday, April 30.

As for several projects obtained by the Company until March 2024, such as the follow-up project of Phase II of the National Side Identification Road in the Capital City of Nusantara (IKN), RDF Plant Rorotan in DKI Jakarta, Serang-Panimbang Toll Road Section 3B and several other contract acquisitions for subsidiaries.

In addition, WIKA is also encouraging development on the Jakarta Sewerage Development (JSDP) project in Zone 1, with a portion of WIKA worth IDR 573 billion.

This project is the idea of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) which aims to improve environmental quality through quality domestic waste water services in DKI Jakarta, with the construction of pipelines and pump stations.

The JSDP zone 1 project is targeted to serve 3 administrative cities covering Central Jakarta, West Jakarta and North Jakarta.

In its construction, WIKA as one of the implementing contractors of Zone 1 has shown progress of 13 percent in the casting stage of the pump station construction foundation as a waste treatment system.

"This project is a form of WIKA's support for improving environmental quality, so that the people of Jakarta can be free from waste through the construction of the Central Wastewater Management system," he added.

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