JAKARTYA - PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) in collaboration with Brunei Fertilizer Industries Sdn Bhd (BFI), BUMN from neighboring Brunei Darussalam, related to the development of common urea and ammonia, is an important step in maintaining national and regional food security. ASEAN.

The two SOEs from each country agreed to sign a preliminary agreement or Head of Agreement (HoA) on urea and ammonia development.

This collaboration was signed directly by the President Director of Pupuk Indonesia Rahmad Pribadi and the Chief Executive Officer of BFI Sdn Bhd, Harri Kiiski in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), quoted from Antara, Tuesday, April 23.

"Pupuk Indonesia welcomes cooperation in urea and ammonia development with Brunei Fertilizer Industries, as BUMN for Brunei Darussalam fertilizer," said President Director of Pupuk Indonesia Rahmad Pribadi in a statement in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Rahmad conveyed that the cooperation was in line with the mandate received by Pupuk Indonesia as the leader of the national food security support. As a state-owned company, Pupuk Indonesia with innovation and continues to support increased agricultural productivity and encourage the green transformation of Indonesia's fertilizer and petrochemical industries.

Initiated by Pupuk Indonesia, continued Rahmad, the cooperation will continue to be expanded by involving fertilizer producers from other ASEAN countries to encourage food security at the regional level.

"This cooperation includes agreement between the two parties to explore synergies in marketing, operational and maintenance services, collaboration of factory development projects, as well as procurement of essential equipment and emergency parts," explained Rahamd.

In addition, the two state-owned companies from the two neighboring countries will share learning about aspects of health, safety, security, and the environment (health, safety, security, and environment/HSSE), as well as collaboration in knowledge sharing and training.

Rahmad further explained that this collaboration is a joint effort between BFI and Pupuk Indonesia as a first step to build a constructive ecosystem in the fertilizer industry in ASEAN, starting from Indonesia and Brunei. In the future, there will be many areas for commitment and cooperation with BFI and other fertilizer producers in ASEAN.

Pupuk Indonesia melihat kerja sama ini akan memperkuat hubungan regional, terutama di wilayah ASEAN. Kami sebagai produkir di regional ASEAN bersama-sama ingin memastikan tidak adanya interupsi proses dalam kegiatan kami, karena ketersediaan korupsi terkait langsung dengan ketahanan pangan. Dalam hal ini tentu juga menyangkut ketahanan pangan regional, ujar Rahmad.

After the signing process, Pupuk Indonesia and BFI will form a joint team consisting of representatives of both parties. Subsidiaries can also be involved in further implementation based on the agreement that has been signed.

Pupuk Indonesia, as the largest fertilizer company in Asia Pacific, Middle East, and North Africa, currently has a urea fertilizer production capacity of 9.4 million tons and an ammonia of 7 million tons.

With this capacity, Pupuk Indonesia is one of the important pillars in supporting national food security and playing a significant role in supporting regional food security, especially in ASEAN.

On the same occasion, BFI Chief Executive Officer Harri Kiiski welcomed the cooperation in developing urea and ammonia with Pupuk Indonesia.

Not only as a relationship between companies, but as a relationship between countries at the ASEAN regional level. We believe this collaboration is a workable partnership that will provide benefits to all parties, both BFI and Pupuk Indonesia," explained Harri.

With a production capacity of 1,365,000 tons of urea metric per year, BFI, which was founded in 2013, is one of the largest fertilizer factories in the Southeast Asia region.

As a state-owned enterprise, BFI is always committed to supporting the progressive and dynamic downstreaming of the Brunei Darussalam oil and gas industry.

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