JAKARTA - Proses pembahasan penambahan saham pemerintah Republik Indonesia di Freeport masih berlanjut dan membutuhkan waktu."Ini prosesnya kan ada proses birokrasi, ada proses administrasi, PP 96 nya juga perlu direvisi, jadi itu kan semuanya butuh waktu, tapi mudah-mudahan bisa diselesaikan," kata Presiden Direktur (Presdir) PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Tony Wenas di rumah dinas Menteri Investasi Bahlil Lahadalia di Jakarta, Rabu 10 April.Menteri Bahlil Lahadalia mengadakan open house merayakan Idul Fitri 1445 Hijriah atau 2024 Masehi di rumah dinasnya di Jalan Denpasar, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan.Tony menuturkan terkait dengan penambahan saham tersebut, perlu dilakukan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 96 Tahun 2021 tentang Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Usaha Pertambangan Mineral dan Batu Bara.Pemerintah RI ingin meningkatkan kepemilikan saham di PT Freeport Indonesia dari 51 persen menjadi 61 persen.Menurut Tony, semua pihak sudah saling memiliki pemahaman terkait penambahan saham pemerintah di Freeport.Namun, ia enggan berkomentar terkait perpanjangan izin usaha pertambangan khusus (IUPK) Freeport."Nanti tanyanya sama Pak Bahlil penerbitan IUPK-nya itu," ujarnya.Ia menuturkan selama sepekan ini belum ada kegiatan terkait pembahasan penambahan saham Pemerintah RI di Freeport."Seminggu ini pada dasarnya kegiatan hampir tidak ada," tuturnya.
PTFI's IUPK will end in 2041. PTFI itself has applied for an extension of its operating contract after 2041, but it has not yet received certainty because there are still some requirement considerations. One of the requirements requested by PTFI is to increase the ownership of government shares in the mining company by 10 percent or to 61 percent. Tony said that until now these requirements are still in the discussion stage. In addition, the construction of a new smelter is also referred to as a requirement. PTFI requires certainty of the extension of the work contract as soon as possible, in order to explore the mine. According to Tonny, it took up to 15 years to build the mine. Previously, Indonesian President Joko Widodo targeted the negotiation of government's share ownership of PT Freeport Indonesia by 61 percent to be completed in June 2024. "This regulation was completed first, then negotiations could be finalized, but I saw that I didn't target it until June. As soon as possible. As soon as possible, June," said President Jokowi, March 28. President Jokowi believes that share ownership of 61 percent can be realized after negotiations with PT Freeport Indonesia reached an meeting point. In addition, the government is also finalizing Government Regulation Revision (PP) Number 96 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Mineral Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities.
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