JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif recently signed the Decree of the Minister (Kepmen) of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 69.K/MB.01/MEM.B/2024 concerning the Determination of Commodity Types classified as Critical Mineral Classification.As long as you know, the regulation was issued as a government step in optimizing domestic mineral downstream for the development of strategic industries and supporting mineral utilization in order to increase Indonesia's competitiveness at the national and international levels. "It is necessary to establish criteria and classification of minerals classified as strategic minerals," wrote the regulation, quoted on Tuesday, April 9. There are 22 minerals that are included in the classification of strategic minerals that will take effect on April 1, 2024. In the regulation, strategic minerals are defined as minerals that have strategic value as raw materials in optimizing mineral downstream in the country for the development of strategic industries that support increasing global trade competitiveness, state income, and national economy. Then the determination of the type of commodities classified in the classification of strategic minerals, among others, which is the raw material for the strategic industry dpr dirty the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, and health tools (health industry), the transportation tool industry (electric vehicle industry), the energy generation industry (solar cell industry), and the capital goods industry, components, auxiliary materials and industrial services, the electronics and telematics/ICT industry, basic metal industries and non-metal excavation materials (defense industry).

Strategic minerals also have the potential to control the global market through the dominance of resources and reserves. Then they have a large contribution of state revenue in the mineral mining sector, as well as minerals that have a dominant contribution to the country's foreign exchange reserves. "Mineral is used massively for strategic industries," wrote the rule. The following is a complete list of 22 types of commodities classified as strategic minerals.1.Aluminum - Bauxite - Ouxite2.Besi - Ore - Besi Ore, Pasir Besi4.Emas5.Fosphor - Fosfat6.Galena7.Kobalt8.Kromium - Kromit9.Lromite9.Ltanium10.Magnesium11.Mangan12.Molibdenum13.Nikel14.Perak15.Platinum - Platina16.Seng17.Silika - Pasir Kuarsi, Kuarsit Crystal, Kuarsa18.Tembaga19.Tiradium21.Vanadium22.Zirkonium - Zirkonium

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