JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) will release participants of the BUMN Fun Homecoming using bus transportation facilities at the Pintu Silang Monument Nasional Jakarta on Friday 5 April.

Jasa Raharja Corporate Secretary Dodi Apriansyah said the departure would be carried out by SOE Minister Erick Thohir. This program has the support of 88 SOEs.

"The release of BUMN Homecoming participants using buses will be held at the National Monument at 07.30 WIB by the Minister of SOEs," said Dodi in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, April 4.

Dodi said there were 1,536 buses that would be dispatched with 70,184 passengers. The majors that are the destinations for travelers are Wonogiri, Surakarta, Klaten, Kebumen, Purworejo, Sragen, Boyolali, Ngawi, Grobogan and Solo Raya.

According to Dodi, at the initial departure homecoming, the most participants were passengers with the aim of Wonogiri.

In addition to buses, SOEs also provide 60 train modes with 19,122 passengers and 30 sea ships with 5,452 passengers. The two modes of transportation will also depart on the same day.

It is known, the Ministry of SOEs provided as many as 80,215 free homecoming quotas for Eid 2024 in the "pleasant homecoming with SOEs" program under the coordination of PT Jasa Raharja.

SOEs through social and environmental responsibility programs (TJSL) carry out homecoming program activities together with the aim of supporting the government in order to provide services for the implementation of homecoming so that it is carried out smoothly, safely and comfortably, so that the role of SOEs to contribute to the community is truly felt.

The homecoming quota increased compared to 2023 as many as 67,233 passengers. The details of the total number of travelers targeted in 2024 include 55,607 prospective passengers with 1,225 bus units, 18,998 prospective passengers with 60 trains, and 5,610 prospective passengers with 15 ships.

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