JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the construction of the DPR RI Building in the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) has not been included in this year's plan.

"Indeed, not yet (the DPR RI building was built at IKN)," Basuki told reporters at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, quoted Wednesday, April 3.

"So, I just got data from the Minister of State Secretary (Minister of State Secretary Pratikno), out of 31 organizations whose positions are in IKN, only three are holding groundbreaking," he added.

Basuki said the three ministries/agencies were Bank Indonesia (BI), the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS).

Meanwhile, Basuki does not yet have a definite target of when the Parliament Building will be built in the new capital city. Even so, he did not rule out the possibility of laying the first stone or groundbreaking next year.

"So, like the (building) of the House of Representatives (DPR), the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), the Regional Representative Council (DPD), it doesn't exist yet. Maybe, 2025 (The DPR RI building was built in IKN)," he added.

Previously, Member of Commission V DPR RI from the Gerindra faction Novita Wijayanti had questioned how the concept of IKN development, including the Parliament Building. This was asked by Novita to Minister Basuki in a working meeting on Monday, April 1.

Novita admitted that she was confused about when the DPR RI Building would be built.

"At that time, I asked when was the construction of the DPR building? 2027 or 2025? Because if only the minister's office (at IKN), the meeting will be here (Jakarta)? I want to know," asked the Gerindra politician.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission II of the DPR from the PAN faction, Wahyu Sanjaya, questioned the urgency of the construction of the DPR RI building in IKN which will start in 2025. The government itself targets IKN's comprehensive development to be completed by 2045.

Wahyu said that members of the council did not want to move to IKN. However, as representatives of the people certainly have a view that the government should prioritize others.

"It's not that we don't want to move there, we want to move, we as representatives of the people are ready to be placed anywhere. Let alone put it in Kalimantan, even in Papua (available). But don't suddenly arrive, we insist as if we ask for a priority scale like that," Wahyu told reporters, Tuesday, March 19.

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