Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi appealed to the people who will go home for Lebaran 2024 not to depart on D-4 and D-3 ahead of Eid al-Fitr.

"We urge all parties not to go home on D-4 and D-3 Lebaran," said Budi Karya during a 2024 Homecoming Preparation Working Meeting with Commission V DPR RI, Tuesday, April 2.

Budi said that according to President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) direction, it was recommended that people go home early on D-10 to D-5. The goal is that there will be no accumulation of travelers on dates approaching Eid Al-Fitr 2024.

"It is suggested that going home early, D-10 to D-5 is relatively still a lot of tickets and also opportunities. Because the children are off, we urge all parties to convey to the community, so that the pressure on going home on D-4 and D-3 can be reduced," he said.

Based on a survey by the Transportation Policy Agency (BKT) in the 2024 Eid homecoming, it is estimated that 193.6 million people will move people with 52 percent going home.

Where the preference for vehicles used during homecoming is trains, buses, private cars to motorbikes which are still quite a lot.

Due to the high movement of the community, Budi also appealed to travelers to use public transportation and also take advantage of free homecoming programs provided by various institutions. Starting from free homecoming from the Ministry of Transportation using buses, ships and trains.

"This free homecoming is not only a domain or is carried out by the Ministry of Transportation but is also carried out by SOEs, the police, ministries, and local governments. This number is relatively large, although it cannot cover everything, there is still room to provide opportunities for people to go home for free," he said.

In addition, said Budi, to support the smooth homecoming, the Ministry of Transportation has also established a post from April 3 to April 18, 2024.

Not only that, Budi Karya ensured that a rampcheck was carried out for vehicles used to perform homecoming.

"We do it at sea, air, train, on buses and in particular we ask our friends in the regions, through the Police Chief, to carry out law enforcement on buses or tourist buses, which are mostly non-fit buses, and we are also intensely trying to coordinate this," he said.

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