JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya targets the improvement of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) for the Palembang-Indralaya (Palindra) and Indralaya-Prabumulih (Indraprabu) sections, South Sumatra to be completed on D-7 Lebaran 2024/1445 Hijri.
"Ahead of the Lebaran homecoming flow, we are targeting all road damage on the two toll roads to be repaired on D-7 Lebaran," said Palembang-Indralaya-Prabumulih Toll Branch Manager Syamsul Rijal during an interview, in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), quoted from Antara, Wednesday, March 27.
He explained that his party is committed to improving the quality of toll roads related to the convenience and smooth operation of toll roads to support the homecoming and return routes in the face of the Lebaran 2024 holiday, by preparing cold asphalt or coldmix to be alert if there is a pothole or hole.
"We have also prepared 2,000 cash balance cards, as well as a mobile reader to avoid queue density at toll gates and toll officers on standby for 24 hours," he also said.
Hutama Karya provides rest area locations at Km 01, Km 02, and Km 56 which road users can use to rest and park vehicles for all groups for free, toilets and rest areas on standby for 24 hours.
"In addition, we also provide supporting facilities at Rest Area Km 56, such as Modular gas stations for filling fuel, clinics, and mobile ATMs," he said.
He said that his party predicts that as many as 11,000 vehicles will cross the two toll roads during the homecoming and return to Lebaran.
During Lebaran homecoming and homecoming trips, Hutama Karya provided important information through Variable Message Sign (VMS), media such as radio and social media related to the condition of toll roads and rest areas in real time.
"We urge all road users to drive in accordance with the rules and regulations that apply on toll roads, and not to use the shoulder of the road except in an emergency. Road users are asked to immediately rest at the nearest resting place if they feel sleepy," said Syamsul.
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