APPI: Implementation Of Electronic Signatures Helps Strengthen The Safety Of Digital Financial Transactions
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Financing Companies (APPI) Suwandi Wiratno said the implementation of certified electronic signatures was able to help digitize multifinal services and strengthen the security of digital financial transactions.

"We continue to encourage various financing companies that we support to be more fluent in adopting this technology in the financial sector, especially in order to build consumer confidence and protect industry players," he said in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, March 22.

He stated that his party as the multifinal industry association continues to support the government's efforts to accelerate the digitization of a safe and reliable payment ecosystem through innovation and integration of electronic signatures.

According to him, the use of electronic signatures can save time and costs because it can be done without meetings and physical documents.

This can also reduce the use of paper, thus having a positive impact on the environment.

In addition, certified electronic signatures can be recorded and stored digitally, making it difficult to be falsified and manipulated, thereby minimizing the risk of making fake documents.

Through Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE), the government emphasized the importance of using electronic signatures for high-risk electronic transactions.

Chairman of Commission I DPR RI Meutya Hafid said that digital signatures and other electronic certification services are important to secure digital financial transactions that have great potential to encourage national economic growth.

"Strengthening the use of certified electronic signatures, as stated in the revision of the two ITE Laws, is a step taken by the government to create an innovative digital environment," he said.

He said that his party appreciated the development of the domestic electronic signature industry and hoped that the digital ecosystem would continue to grow with clear legal rules.

Meutya also invites business actors and the public to use certified electronic signature services to maintain the security of personal data in today's digital era.

"It is time for the wider community and business actors, especially in the financial services sector, to use certified electronic signatures in order to maintain data security, which in this digital era must be a concern for all of us," he said.

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