JAKARTA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said the fisheries collaboration between Indonesia and Vietnam has the potential to make two countries as fisheries champions in the Asian region even at the global level. "If Indonesia and Vietnam are united then these two countries will become strengths in the region," said Minister Trenggono, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, March 22. Trenggono in the Meet Indonesia event in Nha Trang, Vietnam, explained, Indonesia has very strong and superior marine and fishery raw materials. Meanwhile, Vietnam has expertise in the field of enlargement and processing of the fisheries sector. For this reason, he continued, the fisheries cooperation between the Indonesian and Vietnamese governments that was agreed upon some time ago, must be realized immediately through real fisheries investments in the two countries. According to him, the fisheries cooperation is not limited to encouraging the sustainability of ecology and economic growth of the two countries but will also contribute to the fulfillment of global fisheries commodity needs. Based on the data, protein needs will continue to increase as the estimated increase in the human population by 30 percent in 2045 or touch the 9.7 billion. life. "Investing in Indonesia and in Vietnam is no longer limited by the region. As part of the cooperation between Indonesia and Vietnam to become part of global suppliers in the marine and fisheries sector," he explained.

Fishery investment in Indonesia also shows a positive trend. Data from Quarter III in 2023 reached IDR 9.56 trillion, consisting of PMDN IDR 5.32 trillion, PMA IDR 1.4 trillion, and investment loans IDR 2.84 trillion. Based on the business sector, fish processing ranks first in investment of IDR 3.65 trillion, then fishery cultivation of IDR 2.6 trillion, marketing of IDR 1.95 trillion, fishing of IDR 1.18 trillion and fishery services of IDR 186.51 billion.

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