JAKARTA - Deputy chairman of Commission VII DPR, Eddy Soeparno, revealed that his party and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will immediately conduct discussions regarding the Draft Law (RUU) on New Energy and Renewable Energy.
Eddy said that based on the plan, discussions will be held in early April before the DPR enters the recess period.
"We plan later if there are no obstacles, early April before the recess we will consignment if there are no obstacles," said Eddy to the media crew at the Senayan DPR Building, quoted Wednesday, March 20.
Eddy also ensured that discussions related to the Problem Inventory List (DIM) of this bill had been completed.
According to him, there are still several topics that need to be discussed, including those related to the power steering scheme that will be included in the EBET Bill.
"There are some that need further investigation, including the problem of power steering. I think there are 3 or 4 topics that need further deepening and we will try to conduct future consignments," continued Eddy.
With the discussion of the power wheeling scheme, Eddy ensured that his party would re-incorporate this scheme into the bill. In addition, another thing that will be discussed is related to the use of hydrogen in Indonesia.
"There are several topics that need to be explored, including power steering. Then the hydrogen problem. But I think the most important problem for us to discuss is the power steering scheme," added Eddy.
Regarding the response from PLN, continued Eddy, Commission VII and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources have received all types of input from PLN and will be discussed in the upcoming meeting.
"Yes. We have received complete input from PLN. The meeting will discuss various proposals for us to agree together," concluded Eddy.
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