JAKARTA - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 4 Makassar predicts an increase in the number of passengers by around 6 percent at Makassar Port ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 1445 Hijri.

"Religious holidays are always a moment to look forward to, and every year there is always an increase in passengers," said General Manager (GM) of Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar, Iwan Sjarifuddin in Makassar, South Sulawesi, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 18.

He said the prediction of the increase in passengers was anticipated by improving service facilities, including preparing free homecoming for passengers returning to their area.

Kita tahu bahwa Pelabuhan Makassar adalah port terbesar di wilayah timur Indonesia dan selalu menjadi port yang terbanyak arus penumpang yang turun dan naik kapal khusus di momen mudik Lebaran Idulfitri, kata Iwan.

Various facilities have also been prepared by Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar long before entering the month of Ramadan.

According to Iwan, in addition to preparing facilities and improving existing services so far, his party has also increased the competence of Human Resources (HR) so that the services provided, especially during the peak season, the flow of ship passengers will be more optimal and maximal.

Furthermore, Makassar Port, which is the hub in Eastern Indonesia (KTI), always records the largest number of passengers, especially in the Lebaran homecoming season, compared to other ports under the management of Pelindo Regional 4 including Kendari Port, Pantoloan, Manado, Bitung, Gorontalo, Balikpapan, Jayapura, and Merauke Port in Papua.

Iwan explained, last year's Eid, his party managed to record 107,875 passengers boarding and descending at Makassar Port.

"This is experiencing a growth trend of 122.06 percent compared to the homecoming season in 2022," he said.

At this year's Lebaran homecoming, he predicts that the flow will experience a surge in the number of passengers going home to their respective hometowns, especially those using ship transportation modes.

"It is predicted that this year's Eid homecoming season, the number of ship passengers at Makassar Port will be 114,348 people," he said.

The peak of the homecoming flow will add GM Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar, located at D-10 and D+10 Eid Al-Fitr 1445 H.

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