JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya (Persero) raised the Palembang-Indralaya toll tariff and the Pekanbaru-Dumai toll road today, starting at 12.00 WIB.

The toll tariff adjustment for the two sections is based on the Decree of the Minister (Kepmen) of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Number 414/KPTS/M/2024 concerning Adjustments of Tariffs for Palembang-Indralaya Toll Roads (Palindra) and Kepmen PUPR Number 415/KPTS/M/2024 concerning Adjustments of the Pekanbaru-Dumai Toll Road Rates (Permai). Executive Vice President (EVP) Corporate Secretary of Hutama Karya Tjahjo Purnomo said, since it was operated in October 2020, the Permai Toll had never been adjusted the rates, which should have been done in 2022. Meanwhile, for the Palandra Toll Road according to the regulations, it was time to make a tariff adjustment again after the adjustment had previously been made in 2021 ago. Tjahjo said, the consideration of the delay was carried out because in 2022 it was still in the recovery stage after the COVID-19 pandemic and also the increase in fuel prices in October 2022. Meanwhile, for 2023, the increase in the price of basic necessities, such as rice, made the company reconsider and postpone the recent Pekan-Dumai Toll Rating adjustment so as not to burden the public. "Seeing that currently the economy has recovered, then this year we need to make a tariff adjustment," said Tjahjo as quoted from Hutama Karya's official website, Monday, March 18. Hutama Karya ensures that tariff adjustments at both toll roads have been followed by fulfillment and improvement of Minimum Service Standards (SPM), routinely carrying out maintenance and improvement on transaction and operational services. "We carry out this routine maintenance to provide the best service to toll road users," he said. Public Policy Observer Agus Pambagio said that tariffing is the right that the Toll Business Entities (BUJT) can be carried out in accordance with Road Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 38 of 2004 concerning Roads on Article 48 paragraph 3 which states that toll road rate adjustments can be made every two years based on the influence of the rate of inflation and evaluation of the Minimum Service Standards (SPM) Toll Road.

"Kalau dilihat dari rentang waktunya, kedua jalan tol ini memang sudah jadwalnya harus disesuaikan tarif, utamanya Tol Pekanbaru-Dumai yang sejak awal beroperasi, kan, belum berubah tarifnya. Terlebih, jalan tol ini merupakan investasi yang mana BUJT juga memiliki tanggung jawab memastikan kondisi iklim investasi jalan tol kondusif. Sehingga, jalan tol ini dapat terus berlanjut," ucapnya.Di samping itu, Staf Ahli Menteri PUPR Bidang Teknologi, Industri & Lingkungan, Endra S. Atmawidjaja mengatakan, sebelum Kepmen terkait penyesuaian tarif tersebut dikeluarkan, telah diuji kelayakan terkait peningkatan pelayanan dan pemenuhan SPM kepada Badan Usaha Jalan Tol (BUJT) terlebih dahulu."Tidak semua BUJT yang mengajukan penyesuaian tarif langsung mendapatkan Kepmen, sebelumnya dilakukan serangkaian pengujian terlebih dahulu. Adapun besaran tarif baru dari kedua ruas tol ini bukan hanya berdasarkan inflasi seperti biasa, tetapi adanya perubahan ruang lingkup membuat besarannya sedikit lebih tinggi," ungkapnya.

The details of the tariff are as follows;

Pelindra Toll Road

- Palembang-Pemulutan = Gol I Rp 9,500; Gol II and III Rp 14,500; Gol IV & V Rp 19,000

- Palembang-KTM Rambutan = Gol I I I IDR 15,500; Gol II & III IDR 23,500; Gol IV & V IDR 31,000

- Palembang-Indralaya = Gol I I I IDR 27,000; Gol II & III IDR 40,500; Gol IV & V IDR 54,000

Permai Toll Road

- Pekanbaru-Minas = Gol I I I IDR 13,000; Gol II & III IDR 20,000; Gol IV & V IDR 26,500

- Pekanbaru-Petahap/Kandis Selatan = Gol I Rp 47,000; Gol II & III Rp 70,500; Gol IV & V Rp 93,500

- Pekanbaru-North Kandis = Gol I Rp 70,500; Gol II & III Rp 105,500; Gol IV & V Rp 141,000

- Pekanbaru-Pinggir = Gol I Rp 107,000; Gol II & III Rp 160,500; Gol IV & V Rp 214,000

- Pekanbaru-North Duri/Bathin Solapan = Gol I Rp 148,000; Gol II & III Rp 222,000; Gol IV & V Rp 296,000

- Pekanbaru-Dumai = Gol I Rp 171,500; Gol II & III Rp 257,000; Gol IV & V Rp 343,000

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