JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) is building a Money Processing Center (SPU) and Main Cash Depot (DKU) with the latest automation technology to increase efficiency in business processes and accountability in rupiah money management.

"Hopefully in 2026, SPU and DKU will increase the efficiency of business processes and accountability in the management of rupiah currency," said Deputy Governor of BI Doni P Joewono at the launch of Semarak Rupiah Ramadan and Berkah Idul Fitri (Serambi) 2024 in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, March 15.

The Money Processing Center will be located in Karawang, while the Main Cash Depot (DKU) will be in Surabaya and Makassar.

"So distribution services are no longer here, all will be moved to Karawang," said Doni.

Doni said that in the future the big theme of Rupiah Money Management is expansion, development, and increasing cooperation between BI, Banks, Rupiah Money Processing Services (PJPUR), as well as other third parties to ensure the availability of rupiah in all regions of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Of course we will review the blueprint of money management until 2030 where there will be expansion, development, increased cooperation," he said.

The management of Rupiah currency needs to be done well in supporting the maintenance of monetary stability, financial system stability, and the smooth running of the payment system.

The management of Rupiah money carried out by Bank Indonesia is intended to ensure the availability of rupiah currency that is suitable for distribution, denomination accordingly, on time according to the needs of the community, and safe from counterfeiting efforts while still prioritizing national efficiency and interests.

Synergy between BI, banking, the General Company for Money Printing of the Republic of Indonesia (Perri), and the Association of Indonesian Cash Processing Services Companies (APJATIN) are expected to continue to be closely established in order to provide excellent cash services to the entire community.

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