JAKARTA - The development of the traditional herbal medicine industry has proven to be able to attract attention and gain customer trust. Along with technological developments, a number of local companies have a good reputation among the public, especially for Jamu connoisseurs.
This is evident from the results of Compas.co.id's monitoring in the Healthcare industry with a comparison of data in 2022 and 2023, where despite a decline in sales value growth in the health category at 17 percent, some local companies are still growing.
" Led by Sido Muncul with 50 percent sales value, 37 percent Star Toedjoe, 31 percent Herbalana, and 24 percent Jamu Jago," quoted from Instagram @campas.co.id regarding data "The Growth of the Sales Value of the Official Store Healthcare at E-Commerce", Friday, March 8.
PT Industri Jamu dan Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) sendiri merupakan produsen jamu terbesar dan thermodern di Indonesia dengan lapangan pasar terbesar untuk kategori produk jamu tradisional.
Sido Muncul has more than 300 types of products. Tolak Angin and Kuku Bima Energy-G! Is one of the leading products that has been widely known for decades.
Quoted from the Sido Muncul.co.id page, Tolak Angin is a story of the journey of a traditional herbal medicine to become a modern herbal product that is highly relied on by the Indonesian people.
As the name suggests, Tolak Angin is made from herbal ingredients to relieve the symptoms of entering the wind and strengthen the immune system. Tolak Angin is a pioneer of liquid herbal medicine ready to drink which can be consumed at any time, anywhere.
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