JAKARTA - Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang posted the realization of domestic product spending of IDR 213.68 trillion at the Business Matching exhibition in Denpasar, Bali, March 4-7, 2024.

"This achievement is much higher than the similar event in 2023 at Istora Jakarta which reached Rp. 181 trillion," said Agus Gumiwang on the sidelines of the closing of Business Matching 2024 in Sanur, Denpasar, quoted from Antara, Thursday, March 7.

He detailed that the realization was the largest purchased by ministries/agencies and local governments which reached Rp. 146.94 trillion and from SOEs it reached Rp. 66.74 trillion.

The realization of domestic product spending exceeded the target of the National Team for Increasing Domestic Production Use (P3DN) which reached a minimum of IDR 200 trillion.

In addition to the increasing realization of domestic product purchases (PDN), the value of commitments that are ready to be realized by budget owners (central/regional governments) to producers this year also increased to Rp1,148.25 trillion compared to 2023 reaching Rp1,157 trillion.

This commitment made by BUMN is greater, reaching Rp842.56 trillion and the commitment of ministries/agencies and local governments is Rp585.69 trillion.

He believes that the realization will continue to increase beyond the implementation of the business exhibition. "We are very confident that the target set until the first quarter of 2024 so that the realization of PDN can be Rp250 trillion, God willing, can happen," he said.

On the other hand, during the exhibition as many as 2,558 work units from ministries/agencies and the daerag government have entered data related to domestic product needs.

The data on domestic product needs is estimated to have a value of IDR 134.04 trillion.

He asked ministries, institutions, local governments and SOEs to immediately convey the needs of domestic goods so that associations and producers can prepare themselves to supply these needs.

"There are still around Rp1,294 trillion in procurement in ministries/agencies and SOEs that must be pursued in detail for domestic product needs," added Agus.

The exhibition was the third time after the first one was held in Bali in 2022 with the realization of PDN spending reaching Rp. 100 trillion and in 2023 at Istora Senayan Jakarta reaching Rp. 181 trillion.

The government expects the purchase of domestic products by the budget owner to be of high quality and efficient, one of which is through digital channels, e-Catalog.

The digitization of the purchase of PDN is expected to reduce budget misuse or corruption.

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