JAKARTA - The Inabuyer B2B2G Expo 2024 activity will be held again on May 15-17. This is the second Inabuyer event after it was previously successfully held on July 5-7, 2023.

Deputy for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) Hanung Harimba Rachman targets a potential cooperation involving cooperatives and MSMEs (KUMKM) to reach Rp2 trillion.

"Yes (the target is IDR 2 trillion), if possible, it will be more large," Hanung told reporters at the Kemenkop UKM office, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 5.

Hanung hopes that this activity can provide opportunities for MSMEs to meet buyers, get orders and market their products and establish sustainable cooperation.

"This is a concrete step in supporting the growth and development of MSMEs in Indonesia.

On the same occasion, Director of Strategy Development and General Procurement Policy Institute for Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy (LKPP) Emin Adhy Muhaemin said LKPP's participation in these activities reflected its commitment to support the use of domestic products and increase efficiency in the procurement of government goods and services.

"Through this activity, we hope to create a better synergy between the public sector and the private sector in supporting the Indonesian economy," he said.

Meanwhile, the General Chairman of the Indonesian Shopping Center Retailers and Tenants Association (Hippindo) Budihardjo Iduansjah said that his party wanted to invite suppliers and producers to put samples of their products by participating in the Inabuyer event.

"We also hope that Inabuyer can be a driver of the 'Buy Made in Indonesia' movement, opening up opportunities for joint ventures to exports for local products," he said.

These activities will involve more than 200 exhibitors from various sectors. Including, the central and local governments, BUMN, BUMD, private sectors, MSME associations and other population ecosystems.

Inabuyer B2B2G Expo 2024 also has various supporting activities, such as business matching, showcase superior products for cooperatives and local brands, panel discussions, talk shows/workshops and live commerce.

It aims to provide a comprehensive platform for business people in increasing sales, establishing partnerships and expanding networks.

With the support of various associations, this activity is expected to be the basis for larger movements in supporting the use of domestic products, strengthening the Proudly Made in Indonesia National Movement (Gernas BBI) and increasing participation in the campaign to Increase Domestic Production Use (P3DN).

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