Menkop Teten: Entrepreneur Hub Activities Become A Place To Find Business Ideas From Campus
Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki said the existence of Entrepreneur Hub activities is a forum for finding and developing business ideas from various researches conducted in universities. "The Entrepreneur Hub's activities entering campus aim to find various business ideas that come from research and research development into new innovations in universities," said Teten Masduki in Bandarlampung, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 4. He said that with the theme of growing and continuing, through Entrepreneur Hub activities, the results of innovation and research from these universities can be used to develop agricultural and agricultural potentials in Lampung. "This village is the largest canned banana and pineapple producer, because it is very strong in agriculture, especially agriculture. But indeed, it is still selling raw materials, so it is necessary to develop an innovative business model to manage this, and this can be obtained from research at universities," he said.

He explained that a business model that utilizes innovation and technology is a solution to the development of agricultural commodity potential in Lampung in order to build a new economy. "We must not only focus on making the same products because the business competition will get tougher. For example, it is permissible to make chips but the business idea must be expanded to become an industry and create with innovations. We must use the existing potential to be produced into derivative products and form an industry," he added. He hopes that the Entrepreneur Hub that explores various business ideas and innovations can support the development of new entrepreneurs and quality MSMEs.

"Dengan adanya ini maka UMKM bisa naik kelas, dan tumbuh wirausahawan baru yang memanfaatkan teknologi dan membuat produk dengan inovasi-inovasi baru dari hasil riset perguruan tinggi," ucap dia lagi.Diketahui dalam kegiatan tersebut yang dilakukan di Institut Teknologi Sumatera (Itera) telah diikuti oleh kurang lebih 600 peserta yang merupakan mahasiswa yang memiliki ketertarikan serta ide bisnis menarik untuk dikembangkan untuk kemudian yang terpilih bisa mendapatkan pendampingan.

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