JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) reported the realization of revenues reaching Rp8.58 trillion.

Deputy Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners Mirza Adityaswara said the receipts came from levies in 2023 which will be used in 2024.

"Realization of OJK revenues of Rp. 8.58 trillion," Mirza said, quoting Antara.

In accordance with the law, OJK acceptance is used to finance operational and administrative activities.

Regarding operational activities, OJK acceptance is used to regulate, supervise, conduct inspections, provide permits, law enforcement, as well as consumer education and protection and market contracts within the financial services sector, as mandated to the OJK.

Meanwhile, the cost of administrative activities is used to finance labor and procure assets, especially for building and information technology infrastructure (IT).

Meanwhile, the projected OJK acceptance in 2024 is targeted to reach IDR 8.38 trillion.

Mirza added that the adjustment of OJK levy rates has been regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 11 of 2014.

Furthermore, in accordance with the Financial Sector Development and Strengthening Law (P2SK) Article 37, there is a Draft Government Regulation (RPP) related to levies and OJK budget work plans which are currently in the final stage of discussion.

Previously, during a working meeting with Commission XI of the DPR RI in Jakarta, Monday, Mirza explained that OJK acceptance would later be used for six strategic maps.

First, to strengthen the regulation, supervision, and law enforcement against the principle of integrated prudential, openness, and market conduct.

Second, improving service quality and data management in an integrated and transparent manner. Third, accelerating educational, literacy, financial inclusion, and consumer protection activities.

Fourth, the transformation of superior human resources (HR). Fifth, the development of information systems in supporting OJK duties and functions. Finally, an effective and efficient improvement in governance.

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