JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono held a meeting with the Acting Governor (Pj) of West Java Province (Jabar) Bey Kalioni Machmudin at the PUPR Ministry Office, on Wednesday, February 28.

During the meeting, Bey was accompanied by West Java Regional Secretary Taufiq BS and Head of the West Java Highways and Spatial Planning Agency (BMPR) Bambang Tirtoyuliono. Meanwhile, Basuki was accompanied by the Director General of Highways Hedy Rahadian, Director General of Human Settlements Diana Kusumastuti and Head of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) Miftachul Munir.

Minister Basuki also confirmed that he would accelerate infrastructure development in the West Java region. In addition to continuing the Bandung City Inner Toll Road (Bandung Intra Urban Tol Road/BIUTR) project, there are at least four (4) agreements between the Ministry of PUPR and the West Java Provincial Government.

First, about the improvement of the mining road in Parung Panjang, Bogor. "We will carry out the improvement of the provincial road," Basuki said in a written statement, quoted on Thursday, February 29.

However, according to Basuki, this commitment must also be accompanied by the West Java Provincial Government's efforts to continue the special mining road. His party is waiting for the scheme being prepared by the Provincial Government regarding the construction of the special road.

"I am waiting for the cooperation scheme from the Acting Governor (Beyxi Machmudin)," he said.

Second, for the Cileunyi-Garut-Tasikmalaya (Cigatas) toll road, his party targets the winner of the auction to be known in July 2024 so that the toll road construction process can be carried out immediately.

Basuki added that if his party received a report, a qualification addendum would be carried out and the addition of the longest toll road design would be carried out.

"After that, after Eid, mid-April will be auctioned. If the auction is two months, it means May-June, July there can be a winner. With (known) the winner, we will immediately carry out the construction," he said.

The third commitment with the Regional Road Inpres, PUPR ensures that there will be an increase in the budget for improving provincial and district and city roads in West Java.

"(The budget) will be much bigger than 2023. The proposal is IDR 1.2 trillion for the improvement of the presidential road in West Java," he said.

Furthermore, in addition to regional road inpres, there is an inpres for drinking water and wastewater management which according to Basuki can be utilized by West Java Province.

He assessed that currently there are five regencies/cities in West Java that have not included the program, such as Bogor City, Bekasi Regency, Bekasi City, Cirebon and Sukabumi.

"The five things that are the focus of us being able to collaborate between the central government and West Java. This is a good opportunity with the Governor of Bey," he said.

Meanwhile, West Java Acting Governor Beyxi Machmudin said that his party appreciated and thanked Minister Basuki and the PUPR Ministry for accepting his party and discussing infrastructure in West Java.

"The response is very good and there are several plans to be made this year," he said.

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