JAKARTA - PT TASPEN (Persero) through its subsidiary PT Asuransi Jiwa Taspen (Taspen Life), established a unit of the Financial Institutional Pension Fund (DPLK) to improve the welfare of the Indonesian people at retirement. The Taspen Life DPLK has obtained permission from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in November 2023 and is addressed openly to the general public. "DPLK Taspen Life is open to all levels of society, including individual customers, private corporations, to government agencies and institutions, as well as presenting two excellent programs," said TASPEN President Director ANS Kosasih in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday 26 February. The two flagship programs are the Iurans Pension Program and Post-Employment Compensation Funds. The Contribution Pension Program is a private/individual insurance account. In this program, participants can see the statements (statement) of participants directly. Thus, if participants stop working, then the workplace is not entitled to refuse disbursement. Kosasih said that the Post-Employment Compensation Fund is an insurance program that is directly managed by the company where the participants work. Thus, the mechanism for disbursement and administration will be carried out by the company, then Taspen Life will provide benefits to those participants. Meanwhile, the Pension Benefits Disbursement scheme/condition of the Taspen Life DPLK consists of Normal Pension Benefits, Acceleration Benefits Accelerate Pension Benefits, Pension Benefits Delayed, Pension Benefits of Persons and Pension Benefits of World Death Pension.
Furthermore, the President Director of Taspen Life, Ibnu Hasyim, said that in the choice of investment instruments, the Taspen Life DPLK provides conventional and sharia investment packages, and can be adjusted to the needs of participants to achieve optimal fund development targets.
"It is hoped that the presence of the Taspen Life DPLK can provide better financial planning and prepare for early retirement, as well as realize the ideals of everyone who wants to live a prosperous life in retirement," he said.
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