JAKARTA - The public is advised not to be influenced by the tendency to panic buying in excessive rice purchases.

"So actually the rice exists and we guarantee it is enough. People don't need panic buying because the government has prepared far away," said Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo Adi quoting Antara.

Arief emphasized that the government had prepared the rice stock in Indonesia well in advance, so there was no need to worry about a shortage of supplies.

He said that as of February 19, the national rice stock managed by Bulog had a total of 1.4 million tons. The absorption of rice sourced from domestic farmers this year has reached 107 thousand tons.

Meanwhile, for the Regional Government Rice Reserve (CBPP) stock until the second week of February, the total is 7.5 thousand tons.

Arief emphasized that in March it is projected that there will be a rice harvest of 3.5 million tons. This projection is expected to provide a significant additional supply of rice, as well as help reduce rice prices in the market.

However, Arief also assessed the importance of maintaining the farmer's exchange rate (NTP) so as not to experience a significant decline.

He explained that rice prices are influenced by the price of unhulled rice, where if the price of unhulled rice increases, the price of rice will also follow.

"For example, the average price of Rp. 8,000-Rp. 8,500 will be Rp. 16,000. Why is that? Indeed, this is happening all over the world, not only in Indonesia. But believe me the government will balance the price upstream with the price downstream," explained Arief.

In addition, he also revealed that in the last eight months, rice production in Indonesia has experienced a deficit when compared to consumption.

Regarding the world rice price index, Arief said there was a significant increase, reaching 13 percent compared to the previous year.

However, the government has taken appropriate steps by importing rice to strengthen Government Food Reserves (CPP) and stabilizing prices in the market through the distribution of rice for the Supply Stabilization and Food Price (SPHP) program.

In addition, 10 kg of rice food assistance targets 22 beneficiary families and the Cheap Food Movement (GPM) to go directly to residential areas or crowded places to sell rice at a price that can be reached by the public.

In the framework of increasing rice production, Arief said that the government has collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture to increase the area of rice harvest.

According to Arief, with the projected harvest area increasing, it is hoped that rice production can increase so that it can meet the needs of public consumption.

"We are close in coordination with the Minister of Agriculture, who today and his staff are working hard to plant. So the harvest can be 2.5 million tons per month and this confirms that it must be done. Yesterday it was delayed by planting because there was a climate change for El Nino at the end of the year," said Arief.

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