Head of the Bali Manpower and Energy Agency, Ida Bagus Setiawan, said that Bali received an additional quota of 250 thousand 3 kg LPG from Pertamina Patra Niaga following an increase in the number of consumption ahead of the holiday.

With this additional quota, the public is expected to understand its designation so that the condition of scarcity gradually occurs, especially in the momentum of Galungan Day and its series.

"So we ask that people or consumers who are not included in the target household and SMEs are targeted to be able to buy Non-Subsidized LPG," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 23.

He emphasized that the 3 kilogram Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is a subsidy item and is only intended for target households (RTS) and SMEs for subsidized recipients.

The head of the Bali ESDM Manpower Office explained that in 2024 the number of subsidized LPG quotas provided for the Province of Bali decreased by 0.79 percent compared to the previous year.

In 2023 Bali received 217,161 metric tons of 3 kg LPG, then in 2024 the Bali Provincial Government proposed 279,406 metric tons but unfortunately set by the central government 215,448 metric tons.

On the other hand, the number of public consumption of 3 kg LPG continues to increase significantly, monitored by more than a week a number of retailers experiencing LPG vacancies, making it difficult for people to buy.

According to him, this encourages the government to be more careful in providing subsidized gas, later to obtain 3 kilograms of LPG, the public will be curated based on the Population Identification Number (NIK) or electronic ID card.

"The data collection on the purchase of 3 kilograms of LPG cylinders is based on NIK. The goal is for the subsidies provided to be more targeted, namely for the lower middle class, especially housewives and small SMEs," he explained.

Setiawan also appealed to the public not to make excessive purchases, he also asked the public to buy according to their needs.

"People can buy at the nearest official base according to their needs and not overdo it," he said.

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