JAKARTA - Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) has officially become Minister of ATR/BPN starting Wednesday, February 21, 2024. He is known to directly chair his inaugural leadership meeting at the Ministry of ATR/BPN, today.
AHY entered the meeting room which was on the right side of the lobby of the building. He immediately sat on the chair of the chair of the meeting together with the Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN Raja Juli Antoni.
During the meeting, AHY asked his staff to make a resummation regarding the target to the obstacles of the programs being carried out at the Ministry of ATR/BPN.
"I want to ensure that the achievement targets are in accordance with the policies and work programs that have been carried out by the previous minister and ranks at this central level. So, I want to open one by one which one we need to accelerate because of the hope that all targets can be achieved," said AHY at the office. Ministry of ATR/BPN, Jakarta, Thursday, February 22.
He emphasized that cooperation must be carried out with other ministries and institutions. According to him, the Ministry of ATR/BPN must be open and coordinate with other ministries to resolve agrarian and spatial issues.
Currently, said AHY, the priority that must be done is to issue a Certificate of Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) program to reach 120 million plots of land.
AHY did not say much on that occasion. He also apologized to the ranks for not being able to lead the meeting until it was over. Because, he admitted that he had to go to North Sulawesi to carry out his first service as minister.
"I can't stay long, because I received an invitation to attend the inauguration of the Lolak Dam, it was in Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi," he added.
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